
Tag Archives: pumpkin

So the pumpkin soup turned out amazing! The taste and body were great, and the suggestions from friends that both added a lot to the finished product. It was the perfect thing on this rainy sunny day. WTF October.

Pumpkin Soup

1 29oz can of pumpkin (or a 4-5 pound pumpkin that you have gutted, scraped, and roasted you crazy person you)
2 tbsp butter
2 medium red onions, diced
6 C chicken stock
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
1 tsp cayenne
1 C heavy cream
2 tbsp maple syrup

1. Make the croutons now. Its just easier this way.
2. Melt butter in pot. You could use the one that the girlfriend’s father got you, but you don’t have to.
3. Add onions and cook until properly sweated.
4. Add stock, pumpkin, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cayenne. Stir. Stir some more.
5. Simmer for about 15. Now is a good time to make the pecans. Make a double batch actually, in case you eat some.
6. Remove Dutch oven from heat. Puree soup with immersion blender or in regular blender if you are a crazy person.
7. Stir in cream and maple syrup, and taste for salt and pepper.
8. Take pictures and preen for the internet. Oh, and enjoy.

Candied Curried Pecans

1 C pecans
2-3 tbsp curry powder
1/2 C simpe syrup

1. Cut up your pecans as small as you like them
2. heat up a non-stick pan over medium heat, or else you are never going to be able to clean this
3. Add the pecans and simple syrup.
4. When the syrup starts to bubble, add the curry powder and mix it up.
5. Wait.
6. wait for it…
7. OK, now when the sypup starts to look thick and starts to solidify on your spoon, kill the heat and stir
8. Now get back to your soup!

Cinnamon Croutons

4 slices of bread
Lots of cinnamon
3 tbsp oil

1. Toast your bread to about medium toastiness
2. Heat up your oil in a large pan
3. Cut up your toast into whatever sizes you what for croutons.
4. Fry the pieces up a bit in the oil for about 2-3 minutes
5. When most of the oil is out of the pan, move all of the pieces together and coat in cinnamon
6. Heat for another minute or two than move them off the heat to rest of a bit before food.